Open Edges
Our summer clothes
“My best friend’s name was Gil. We used to blaze down the sidewalks around here on our bikes with no-hands, cutting and weaving. I thought I was invincible, but Gil, Gil had a death wish. Everything I could do he …
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Number of articles: 6
First Article: February 3, 2023
Latest Article: May 5, 2023
“My best friend’s name was Gil. We used to blaze down the sidewalks around here on our bikes with no-hands, cutting and weaving. I thought I was invincible, but Gil, Gil had a death wish. Everything I could do he …
“I won’t tell you where the place is, the dark mesh of the woods
meeting the unmarked strip of light—
ghost-ridden crossroads, leafmold paradise:
I know already who wants to buy it, sell it, make it disappear.” – Adrienne Rich…
“Time, then, is otherness, a mystery that hovers above all categories. It is as if time and the mind were a world apart. Yet, it is only within time that there is fellowship and togetherness of all beings.” – Abraham …
“The dead surround the living. The living are the core of the dead. In this core are the dimensions of time and space. What surrounds the core is timelessness.” – John Berger
Crouched, drawing circles in the dirt with his …
“Nothing remained unchanged but the clouds, and beneath these clouds, in a field of force of destructive torrents and explosions, was the tiny, fragile human body.” – Walter Benjamin
Endless fields, meadows and rolling hills stretch towards the horizon, where …
“We are not points on a line; rather, we are the centers of circles.” – John Berger
Sometimes I wear a watch, but never to tell the time. Last summer, every day that I was in Mt. Shasta, Calif., doing …