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Dr. Christine Mahoney starts as new director of health services

November 3, 2023

Senior Vice President and Dean for Student Affairs Janet Lohmann announced in an email to the student body on Wednesday that Dr. Christine Mahoney assumed her role as the College’s new director of health.

Mahoney’s hiring follows Lohmann’s announcement on October 12 of the hiring of Director of Counseling Services Shannon Jackson, who also started at the College on Wednesday. Together with Executive Director of Health and Counseling Services Sandra Hayes, the new hires will collaborate in implementing what Lohmann called a new, “integrated care model rooted in accessible care for all Bowdoin students.”

Mahoney comes to Bowdoin from the Telluride Regional Medical Center in Colorado, where she served as medical director of primary care. She has also worked in family medicine in Maine and Vermont.

Mahoney specializes in women and adolescent medicine. She holds a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO) from the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. Additionally, she received training from the Medical Director Leadership Institute at Harvard Medical School and the LEAN Foundations, Management Systems and Development, which focuses on streamlining provision and quality of care, from Denver Health Lean Academy.

According to Lohmann, Mahoney’s skills and training make her a seasoned leader in medical environments and will deepen the knowledge base of Health Services.

“Mahoney’s extensive leadership training and experience make her an excellent choice for this position at Bowdoin,” Lohmann wrote in her email.


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