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Summer housing price increases by five dollars per week

April 15, 2022

The price of student summer housing has increased from $65 to $70 per week. The change comes after a price reassessment, undertaken by the Office of Summer Events and Programs, determined that an increase was necessary due to recent wage raises for housekeepers and other employees of the College.

“The wages for housekeeping staff and other parts of the College have gone up over time. We really rely heavily on our housekeeping staff to help prepare the units,” Director of Events and Summer Programs Tony Sprague said.

The price of summer housing is determined by a number of factors, including the wages of those working at the College and outside programs being held on the College’s campus. Every few years, the Office of Summer Events and Programs reassesses the price for students living on campus and adjusts accordingly. However, during Sprague’s nearly 17 years at the College, the price of summer housing has only risen twice.

“We try to keep the price of housing really reasonable,” Sprague said. “[Price adjustment] is certainly not something we do every year, or actually all that frequently.”

Student summer housing is available to students who have received research grants or internship funding from the Career Exploration and Development Office, as well as student employees of the College. Sprague stressed that the Office of Summer Events and Programs will work with students if the change in price has an unexpected effect on their ability to stay at Bowdoin.

“We’re always willing to talk about situations with individual students if something comes up that they want to raise with us,” Sprague said.


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