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BSG meeting centers on Polar Pause and student surveys

December 3, 2021

Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) held its first meeting since Thanksgiving break on Wednesday night. Topics covered included the successful extended Thanksgiving recess, or “Polar Pause,” as well as two surveys recently sent to the student body.

BSG President Ryan Britt ’22 discussed the events that took place on campus during the Polar Pause, including a celebration in Smith Union on Monday, November 23 replete with donuts, apple cider and crafts supplies. Britt thanked Miranda Baker ’24, chair of the student affairs committee, for her work in organizing the events over the extended break.

Britt also mentioned his survey on BSG’s performance this semester. Sent to the student body on the Wednesday before the meeting, Britt’s survey asked open-ended questions about their opinions on what BSG is doing well and how it can improve. Students were given the option to answer anonymously.

Philip al Mutawaly ’24, chair of the academic affairs committee, explained his survey to the student body on the effects of students’ academic workloads on their mental health. In an email sent to the student body shortly after the meeting, al Mutawaly urged students to complete the survey.

“This matters because faculty are currently having discussions on how to help students. Your voices need to be heard in that discourse to provide necessary perspective for faculty,” he wrote.

The survey, which was anonymous, included questions concerning mood, sleep and ability to exercise. It also asked students whether they had sought help from counseling this semester for context.


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