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College shifts to Yellow following an increase in COVID-19 cases before fall break

October 8, 2021

In an email to the campus community on Thursday, COVID-19 Resource Coordinator Mike Ranen announced that the College would be moving back to Yellow status that evening following an uptick in cases after Homecoming weekend.

This change came on the heels of an email sent Tuesday in which Ranen announced that the College would transition back to Yellow beginning Monday, October 11 after fall break. The earlier switch comes in response to a small outbreak of new cases, bringing the College’s active total to 12 student and 2 staff cases this week.

Ranen explained in his email that this measure will be in place to stop the spread on campus and prevent students from “exposing others while traveling for fall break.”

In addition to the status change, Ranen announced that when students who have traveled return from break, the College will require observed antigen tests upon their arrival. He wrote that further details on this measure are forthcoming.

This change to Yellow means face coverings must be worn at all times inside unless in one’s own private residence, as well as a temporary pause on indoor dining. All meals will be grab-and-go through the week.

Plans remain to keep the College in Yellow after students return from fall break, with a goal to return to status level Green by Monday, October 18. In accordance with Ranen’s email from Tuesday, during the week following fall break, students will follow an adjusted testing schedule, testing in accordance with their arrival back from break instead of alphabetically. Students on campus by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 12 must test the same day as well as Thursday, while students who arrive after this time must test Wednesday and Friday.


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