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Letter to the Editor: thank you, Lynn Ruddy

April 23, 2021

This piece represents the opinion of the author .

To the Editor:

I can remember, so many years ago, the day that my father, Sid Watson, coach of the men’s hockey team, came home and told me he had hired a woman to be on his staff at the athletic department at Bowdoin. The look on his face of how pleased he was with himself, while at the same time combined with ‘what have I done,’ was priceless.

I was so proud of my dad for yet again demonstrating strength of character in what was back then the male-dominated world of sports, but I was equally proud, if not more so, of Lynn. It had to take courage, determination, pride, perseverance, hard work and above all else, a solid belief in one’s self to reach her goals.

Lynn, I commend you for a life well lived—holding true to yourself and doing it all with humility and grace. My father appreciated you more than you may know. I, too, appreciate and applaud you for all you have done to open doors for women in sports. May you enjoy your well-earned retirement for many years to come.

I know someone is smiling down on you and thinking the same.


Susan Watson Poor


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