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Class of 2020 commencement tentatively scheduled for May 2021

April 10, 2020

President Clayton Rose announced preliminary plans to reschedule commencement exercises in the wake of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in an email to the Class of 2020 on Thursday morning. Rose stated that, in addition to a virtual gathering on May 23, current seniors will be invited back to the College in May 2021 to walk across the steps of the Walker Art Building.

“I made the decision after consulting with a number of folks,” wrote Rose in an email to the Orient. “We thought about the summer and fall, but the continued presence of the virus made the idea of the large social gatherings associated with Commencement inadvisable.”

The Senior Class Council will assist in the planning of next month’s virtual commencement, but a detailed schedule has yet to be released. Traditions, such as the selection of commencement speakers, have been postponed indefinitely.

In addition, the Senior Class Council will be instrumental in deciding the events for the physical graduation next May, Rose said. There will be separate events for the Class of 2021.

Rose’s email also notified seniors that production delays due to COVID-19 will mean that diplomas will not be delivered in time for the virtual graduation. Though they are expected to arrive in mid-June, they will still be dated May 23, 2020.


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