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BSG introduces mental health support proposal

February 21, 2020

Ryan Britt ’22, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) Chair of Student Affairs, introduced a motion to request increased support for mental health and counseling services on campus at Wednesday’s BSG assembly meeting.

The motion proposes an increase in hired counselors, additional funding for mental health services and programs and a new college body to look specifically into issues of mental health and wellness.

According to the motion, student demand for mental health services spiked by 17 percent last year.

In his proposal, Britt acknowledged that “counseling and wellness services are crucial to the functioning of the College and crucial to the wellbeing of the community … conditions of stress, anxiety and depression are critical matters to address across campus.”

Additionally, Faculty Development Committee representative Caroline Poole ’22 suggested that the proposal could potentially draw funds from the College’s newly-announced fundraising campaign, which aims to raise $500 million by June 2024.

Britt’s motion will be voted on during next week’s BSG meeting.


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