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Letter to the Editor: Under Brooks, AEI denied climate change

October 25, 2019

This piece represents the opinion of the author .

To the Editor,

Opinions about how we should run our economy and society should be welcomed and discussion from multiple viewpoints is important. In that regard, we might be interested to engage with Arthur Brooks. While we may disagree with another viewpoint, it can help to listen and debate. But an institute of higher learning should not provide a platform for the dissemination of misinformation, especially when it is clear that the propaganda is deceitfully wrong. Nor should it support those who push and actively promote such agendas. Brooks directed the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) for the last 10 years and oversaw the active and frequent promotion of climate change denial. While we are informed that Brooks himself may accept the science demonstrating a humanity-induced climate change due to the burning of fossil fuels, under his direction AEI actively promoted misinformation on the subject. Misinformation is not opinion—it is misinformation, and its dissemination is contrary to the goals of an educational institute. As the inaugural Joseph McKeen Visiting Fellow at Bowdoin, I hope that Brooks will champion the efforts to reduce our carbon footprint, and promote the common good.

Bruce Kohorn

Linnean Professor of Biology and Biochemistry


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