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BSG Candidacy Statements

Candidates for the Chair of Student Affairs share their platform ahead of special election

September 9, 2019

Lucas Johnson ’22

Hey everyone! My name is Lucas, and I hope the beginning of the year is going well for you all. This year, we have the opportunity to make progress on the numerous issues our campus is facing, from increasing the mental health resources available to students, to strengthening our relations with the Town of Brunswick, to decreasing our carbon footprint by expanding our renewable energy portfolio. At this time of monumental change for Bowdoin, we need to ensure that our needs, concerns, and voices are heard, and that our great school remains the home that we have grown to love. Having served as the Developmental Representative for the Student Affairs Committee for the past year, I know the workings of both the committee and the Bowdoin Student Government, and of the work that needs to be done to make this campus better for us all. I am certain that my leadership as Chair of Student Affairs will make that happen, and I hope I can count on your support in achieving all of this. Thank you for reading, and have a great year Bears!

River Fenton ’22

Hi everyone! My name is River Fenton and I am very excited to be running for BSG Chair of Student Affairs. As chair, I hope to improve a few aspects of student life in the following ways:

I first plan to work with health representatives to improve the training of Peer Health mentors. As a first-year, I barely saw my Peer Health mentor and I would like to see them take a more active role in students’ lives.

If you’ve ever been up late at night writing a paper in the middle of a snowstorm, you know how harsh it can be to walk to the closest printer. As chair, I hope to make this part of our academic careers easier by getting printers in all residential buildings that do not currently have printers.

Lastly, I plan to work alongside our current president’s mission of bridging the athlete/non-athlete divide. I plan to organize and encourage events and parties at the sports houses which are inclusive of the entire student body. This will spark conversation between students and create a sense of unity among us all, something that is often missing on campus between these two groups.

Ryan Britt ’22

My name is Ryan Britt and I am running to serve the Bowdoin community as the next Chair of Student Affairs for the 2019-2020 academic year. I am running for this position because I believe there is more that we can do to make mental health a priority at Bowdoin. With the intense nature and rigor of an elite education, the need for exceptional mental health support is warranted. I will advocate for an expansion of our counseling services and develop initiatives that work to de-stigmatize struggling with mental health on our campus. I envision a future in which free mental health screenings will be available to students at kiosks at centralized locations on campus. Also, as a first-generation, low-income student, I hope to use my own perspective in creating programming to support low-income/first-generation students at Bowdoin. I envision an event for low-income/first-generation students whose families cannot come to Bowdoin during Family Weekend. It is easy to feel alone in such a family-oriented environment. I want to offer a space for students in these situations to get together and enjoy the weekend. To serve the Bowdoin community in the coming year would be an honor and privilege.


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