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IT Department Implements Accessible TechHub

September 6, 2019

Ann Basu
HUB HELP Students seek help at the new TechHub located in H-L Library

This fall, Information Technology (IT) has introduced a second student-run help desk called TechHub. This help desk is intended to serve as a resource for those in need of assistance with common technology issues such as connecting to Wi-Fi, installing PolarPrint drivers, account access and two-step authentication with Duo Security. Located near the offices of Academic Technology and Consulting on the first floor of Hawthorne-Longfellow Library (H-L), TechHub is IT’s attempt to provide more accessible technical support.

“We want to have a more centralized location available,” wrote Brad Flood, an IT support specialist, in an email to the Orient.

Under the previous system, the student-run help desk only serviced students, while IT staff supported the College’s faculty and staff from its offices in the basement of Coles Tower.

With the new service model, TechHub workers will provide support for students, staff and faculty alike. However, staff at the H-L and Coles Tower locations will be in communication, and more complex issues that cannot be solved at TechHub will be sent to IT staff in Coles Tower.

The addition of TechHub coincides with several other changes introduced by IT. Now, color printing will be deducted from each student’s $60 PolarPrint allowance as opposed to their OneCard balance. In addition, IT implemented a new Single Sign-On experience using Okta, which will increase security and create a single webpage for all of Bowdoin’s web-based applications.

TechHub is open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


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