Readers of the Orient may have noticed that our Opinion section has long been dominated by writers with quite a bit in common. We are fortunate to work with talented contributors, but they tend to look the same on paper: white males between the ages of 18 and 22. We want our Opinion pages to reflect the diversity of perspectives, activities and personalities we see on campus. As your friends and classmates, we hear your complaints and opinions on countless topics and we encourage you to give yourself a wider audience than your roommates.

If the time commitment is all that’s preventing you from sharing your opinions, know that writing once does not lock you into a bi-weekly column; the section is always looking for one-off contributors. We’ve heard you ranting about hazing and health care. Now we’d like to see it in print.

The editorial represents the majority view of the Bowdoin Orient’s editorial board, which is comprised of Claire Aasen, Erica Berry, Nora Biette-Timmons, Marisa McGarry, Eliza Novick-Smith, Sam Miller and Sam Weyrauch.