If you thought waltz and a gospel revival show could not take place on the same stage, think again.
Tonight, the Bowdoin Chorus will melodiously integrate these diverse musical genres in its concert, which will feature the overarching theme of dance.
Director of Bowdoin Chorus Anthony "Tony" Antolini '63, who selected the theme of the concert, also assembled the collection of beautifully composed and meaningful pieces.
"I think Tony has picked a wonderful variety of music for the Bowdoin Chorus this year," said Robbie Harrison '14. "There is an array of different genres, languages and musical styles in these pieces that have taught me so much about music, and that will teach the audience too."
Harrison will perform solos in a Zulu folk song and a German waltz.
The concert revolves around two concertos by Johannes Brahms.
Brahms composed his Liebeslieder ("Love Song") and Neue Liebeslieder ("New Love Song") waltzes in 1869 and 1875, respectively.
The waltzes' texts are comprised of European love poetry translated into German.
The poems illustrates every facet of love, ranging from the ecstasy of new love to the despondency of rejection.
Although Brahms' waltzes have been harder for the chorus to learn due to the German text, this difficulty made it mastering all the more rewarding.
And for some, the pieces have even brought back fond memories.
"Although the entire piece is in German, I have really come to enjoy the waltzes," said Brett Gorman '11, a new member to the chorus this year. "This will sound bizarre, but the Brahmsian pieces kind of remind [me] of a Christmas setting in the 'Sound of Music.'"
The waltzes also inspire images of "a New Year's Eve party in Vienna as couples waltz with champagne while we serenade them," said Bridget Connolly '14, a member of the chorus.
In addition to Brahms' waltzes, the chorus will be premiering two pieces by two young American composers: Nathan Kolosko and Nathan Scalzone.
In the past year, both composers sent Antolini original works.
Antolini greatly enjoyed the two pieces and decided to incorporate them into the concert.
Antolini admitted that the two American pieces do not share a theme with Brahms, but added that "they make a good contrast."
Kolosko's piece, "Ants Moving a Mountain," is based off a poem by the Taiwanese poet Xie An-Tong. Kolosko will accompany the guitar section during the performance.
Kolosko attempted to capture a particular theme in his piece: if we all work together we can do amazing things.
This idea resonates with the concept of a chorus, where everyone works in unison to create one harmonious voice.
"People don't know about it, but the Bowdoin Chorus is one of the tightest-knit groups on campus," said Gorman.
The chorus will perform Scalzone's "The Tide Rises, the Tide Falls" as its second piece. College alumnus and poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's poem of the same name served as the inspiration for Scalzone's piece, and Scalzone himself will be in attendance.
Scalzone's music is "the hardest piece we sing," said Antolini.
He added that it is "very difficult to keep one's pitch" due to all the "'tone clusters'—lots of different notes smushed together."
The chorus is comprised of students, alumni, faculty, staff and Brunswick-area community members.
According to Antolini, however, students will be in the majority for the first time.
Two professional pianists will also accompany the Chorus—Sean Flemming, who has worked with Antolini for 15 years, and Jennifer McIvor, a new addition this year.
A spiritual piece entitled "Keep Your Lamps" and "We are Singing, for the Lord is Our Light," an inspiring Zulu folk song, will bookend the performance.
Said Antolini, "I'd like [the audience] to leave uplifted and feeling as if they'd been to a dance."
The concert will take place tonight at 7 p.m. in the Kanbar Auditorium Studzinski Recital Hall, followed by a second performance at 3 p.m. tomorrow afternoon.
Both performances are free and open to the public.