To the Editors:
A year ago, the College's leadership assured the community that they had a plan to deal with the recession. The plan relied on reasonable pillars including careful evaluations of the College's costs and assets. Salaries were frozen to avoid layoffs and reductions in staff. It was a thoughtful and effective approach to securing the safety of the College's finances. Due to the strength of the plan, and the College's commitment, Bowdoin has weathered the recent recession with laudable results.
The school and administration needs to constantly remember the spirit of the plan that it created. The strategy's goal was to weather a time of uncertainty with minimal adverse effects on the student body, the College and the larger community. I challenge the school to remember its commitment to avoiding layoffs and reductions in force. These decisions need to be made in light of their impact on the school. The employees of the College affect the lives of students in ways beyond their job descriptions. They act as mentors, coaches, advisors and friends to many students here. The administration's commitment should always be to Bowdoin's students, employees and community. It is important that College officials remember this as they deal with these uncertain times.
Kelsey Cole '11