Dear Bowdoin Students, Alumni, President Rose and Trustees,

This summer, I participated in a campaign of “kayaktivist” events here in the Pacific Northwest–nonviolent on-water acts of civil disobedience. I risked arrest, potentially negative consequences for my medical license and fines as high as $36,000. Why? Because every independent scientific assessment has made clear that the survival of our world is in extreme jeopardy due to climate change and global warming. We have been lied to by corporations like Exxon and their lobbyists for decades.

Our collective society urgently needs to shift our energy policies and practices, away from fossil fuels and towards immediate and intensive investment in an ecologically sustainable energy economy. In my senior year at Bowdoin (1980-81) interviewing for jobs on Wall Street, I never imagined that one day I would be forced to make a choice between making a stand for truth and justice or letting problems on a truly apocalyptic scale be someone else’s problem.  Apathy and ignorance is a choice after all. My Bowdoin education gave me the foundational integrity and rectitude to make a choice based on compassion for all life.  Please support divestment.

Jordan Van Voast ’81, L.Ac.