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W Swim and Dive


Highlight Reel for February 7


The women’s swimming and diving team took second place in the Colby-Bates-Bowdoin (CBB) meet this past Saturday, beating Bates but falling just behind Colby. Four pool records were set by the Polar Bears, starting with Natalie Garre ’28 …

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Highlight Reel

Highlight Reel for March 29


The women’s tennis team returned from its California trip over spring break with a 4–4 record (1–0 NESCAC). The team started off with an 8–1 win over Chapman University (3–5), sweeping doubles play and winning singles matches two …

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Highlight Reel

Highlight Reel for January 26


On Tuesday evening, the women’s hockey team (8–8–2; 3–5–2 NESCAC) put up a 5-–1 win against the University of New England (UNE) after a string of losses against Middlebury College (8–3–3; 5–1–2 NESCAC) and Wesleyan University (8–6–2; …

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