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Look to the arts

We are coming off a turbulent last few weeks—many here on campus and across the country are feeling rattled, uncertain and downright scared. This climate of tension and anxiety feels hard to shake, especially as we look toward a future …

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Weaving together identities

Native American Students’ Association (NASA) welcomed artist, activist and model Geo Soctomah Neptune to campus in conjunction with the opening of the Wabanaki basket-making exhibit at the Bowdoin College Museum of Art (BCMA).

Shandiin Largo ’23, a NASA leader and …

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Bowdoin dance returns to motion on campus

Dancers at Bowdoin are getting back on their feet, in person, after a year of virtual rehearsals and Zoom classes. Along with classes and programming within the dance department, 12 student dance groups are beginning to meet in-person this semester.…

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