The beginning of this school year will mark a transition for religious life at Bowdoin. In July, Macauley Lord ’77 finalized a $1 million donation to the Center for Religious and Spiritual Life, renaming it to honor his late mother, …
Some call it the case of the century, but Philip Gregory ’76 disagrees. He believes that Juliana v. United States, a climate change lawsuit seeking action on behalf of children and future generations, is the case for the future of …
Over the summer, the Career Planning Center (CPC) found itself in a new space with new leadership. Since beginning her position in July, the new Director of Career Planning Kristin Brennan has set new targets and reestablished old goals in …
Olivia Atwood ’17 and Maggie Seymour ’16 learned plenty at Bowdoin, but they never nailed down the details of what happened during the Watergate scandal. That absence of knowledge is exactly the premise of the alums’ original musical, “Dickie in …
Rather than continuing to work in biology laboratories post-graduation, Ian Trask ’05 opted to pick up trash. After winding his way through various jobs, he ended up as a groundskeeper at a hospital in Massachusetts, cleaning parking lots and he …