Bowdoin’s Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine (FSJP) wrote a clear and thorough critique of the College’s position on Israel’s U.S.-armed and funded war on Palestine and beyond. I am one of many who are very …
The Bowdoin College Democrats would like to thank everyone who voted in this election. While the results were not what we hoped, we appreciate everyone who used their electoral voice in favor of protecting democracy and human …
As an American Jew, my identity motivates me to support Bowdoin Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) referendum. If I were to instead comply with the racist, genocidal actions of the Israeli government, I’d be reliving the antisemitic events experienced …
Noticeably absent from the article, “Faculty speak on violence in Israel, Gaza,” was a clear, unequivocal statement from any Bowdoin faculty member that Israel, despite its flaws, is a legitimate, sovereign nation with a right …
As an alum, I was deeply disappointed by the lack of any public statement by President Zaki in the immediate wake of the October 7 terrorist attacks in Israel. No one expected President Zaki to provide an …
In the April 21, 2023 edition of the Bowdoin Orient, the Editorial Board included a piece contending that advising and registration for incoming students should remain in the two days leading up to the start of classes …
A PeaceWorks vigil has been active in Brunswick for the past 21 years. This letter is an invitation to all members of the Bowdoin community to join us when you can. Sometimes called “Honk for Peace,” we …
I see the college is hosting a series of lectures on Russia-Ukraine, the first of which was already held (virtually) on October 27 when Ukrainian scholar Nataliya Shpylova-Saeed delivered “Russia’s War On Ukraine: Culture, Memory, Politics.”
We want to thank everyone who came out and voted on Tuesday. This year was vital for Maine and national politics, and it was more imperative than ever for us to drive progressive thinking and activism at …