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Total Number of Articles: 163

First Article on this Page: April 21, 2023

Latest Article on this Page: November 3, 2023


F is for failure

It’s November, which means spring course registration is officially upon us. Students—hunched over their laptops, brows furrowed as they figure out what classes fulfill major requirements—are beginning their annual song and dance. On top of questions surrounding distribution requirements and …

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On Wednesday night, people in Lewiston were living their lives. They were teaching their kids to bowl at Just-in-Time Recreation on Mollison Way. They were playing pool and eating hamburgers at Schemengees Bar and Grille on Lincoln Street. They were …

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Get vocal, get local!

There’s something in the air at Bowdoin, and it’s local politics.

The Brunswick Town Council just unanimously approved a new ordinance expanding opportunities for Bowdoin students to serve on town committees for up to three one-year terms. On Monday, the …

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Art: an intimate friend

At Bowdoin, art is everywhere. On most weekends, you’ll find an a capella concert, theater production or Bowdoin Film Society screening on the docket. Before the Maine winter sets in, visual arts students can be found painting landscapes on the …

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An inkwell of possibility

Finals week. As the mid-December snow falls on campus, the Hawthorne-Longfellow Library is abuzz with chatter. In between bites of library-provided lemon bars and sips of late night coffee, students cram for their exams. Hunched over their laptops, looking over …

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We need a path forward.

On June 29, the Supreme Court held that the practice of race-based affirmative action in the admissions offices at Harvard and the University of North Carolina was unconstitutional.

Admissions offices—including Bowdoin’s—are no longer considered by the Court to have a …

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Change is power. Use it.

The beginning of every academic semester is a time of change. Students arrive and graduate, go abroad and return with new perspectives. No two semesters at Bowdoin have ever been identical.

This year, in particular, represents a time of watershed …

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