On Tuesday, the Peter Buck Center was the greenest part of campus after hosting Atayne's CEO and founder Jeremy Litchfield '99.

Founded in May 2007, Atayne is an athletic and outdoor apparel company which uses recyclable fabrics and reusable athletic gear.

The company is based in Brunswick with every 10 percent of gross revenue going to Sustainable Bowdoin, which has helped the College's commitment toward carbon neutrality by 2020.

Litchfield's talk focused on how Atayne has adapted unconventional strategies to reduce environmental impact and foster social change.

"Jeremy has a unique passion for succeeding as an athlete and succeeding as a leader in tackling environmental and social problems," said Scott Weber '11, a member of the Green Global Initiatives.

The lecture was organized by the environmental studies department, the athletics department, and Green Global Initiatives, a career-oriented student group that brings speakers from a variety of fields to campus to talk about building a culture of environmental sensibility.

Litchfield was brought to Bowdoin because GGI, Environmental Studies and the Department of Athletics recognized that Bowdoin has a passion for athletic achievement, physical health and environmental sustainability.

"Bringing Jeremy Litchfield offered an opportunity to cater to both groups of students and to suggest that the two can work together in the workplace," said Weber.