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Zelia Egan

Columnist — Class of 2025

Number of articles: 14

First Article: February 9, 2024

Latest Article: December 6, 2024

Facing Fears

Finding solid ground

We started this column hoping to become better at facing our fears: to do the things that scare us—things like interviewing people and then publishing those words for the whole campus to see. But we found through our conversations that …

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Facing Fears

Microdosing fears

In this column, we are investigating ways to manage fears. This week, we spoke with Janie Porche, Bowdoin’s Creative Director, about how she “microdoses” fears. But not all Porche’s fears can be microdosed: Porche also shared with us a fear …

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Life Lines

Space to think

Springtime birdsong and budding flowers have returned, giving me an excuse to turn off my music, put away my headphones and walk across campus with open ears. Usually, I listen to music automatically when I walk about campus. This week, …

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Life Lines

Life Lines: introverted intervals

The first return to the dining hall after any break is overwhelming, suddenly seeing so many familiar faces. The power outage last weekend amplified that feeling and provided me with an opportunity to reflect on the value of being alone. …

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Life Lines

Open arms

When I was in high school, my rowing coach told me I needed to be more vulnerable. That was the last criticism I expected to hear. I valued vulnerability. I knew that opening up to people was how friendships were …

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Life Lines

Velcro letting go

Clinginess may not be a desirable trait, but for velcro and for plants, their ability to cling is an asset. The market value of velcro, though, also depends on its ability to let go.

Letting go of things has never …

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