Talk of the Quad
November 6th 2024
The world keeps ending and the world keeps going on and I wake up in the morning and hope for the sun.
The world keeps ending and the world keeps going on and I worry if my shirt will fit …
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Number of articles: 3
First Article: April 1, 2022
Latest Article: November 14, 2024
The world keeps ending and the world keeps going on and I wake up in the morning and hope for the sun.
The world keeps ending and the world keeps going on and I worry if my shirt will fit …
To the Editor:
Just this past Sunday, I woke up to the chapel bells. The church bells wake me up every Sunday, serving as a reminder that I’m a foreigner in this land. No matter how many years I’ve been …
We are the children of loving, emotionally abusive parents who could not break the cycle of abuse. We are the children of immigrant families who constantly question the meaning of love and what the dictionary definition of emotional abuse is.…