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Samira Iqbal

Staff Writer — Class of 2023

Number of articles: 4

First Article: November 1, 2019

Latest Article: November 4, 2022

Exercise your right to vote

These have been incredibly difficult years, unsettled by the ongoing pandemic and increasing political polarization. You may feel like voting is too much work, useless, or not worth the trouble, and we get that.

You have a right to be …

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MacMillan’s unseen images displayed in Arctic Museum

Through the exhibit “Colorful Arctic: Donald B. MacMillan’s Lantern Slides,” the Peary-MacMillan Arctic Museum showcases its collection of MacMillan’s hand-tinted glass slides. Lining the museum’s entrance are large photographs of snowy landscapes, rare portraiture of Northwest Inuits and behind the …

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Reading ’16 advocates through art

Rather than depicting sweeping hillscapes in ornate frames, Mariah Reading ’16 uses trash as her canvas in the pop-up exhibit “Landscapes, Not Landfills,” which opened on Wednesday in the Edwards Center for Art and Dance.

Reading’s art contributes to a …

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