Since mid-December, more than 60 students’ email accounts have been hacked, resulting in a series of phishing attempts. Emails claiming association with Temple University and such fictional institutions as “Recruitment Team,” “Market Force Information” and “Mystery Shoppers” arrived in inboxes …
Jason Robert Brown’s “The Last 5 Years” is an unconventional musical. Centered on a tenuous relationship, it features only two actors whose interactions with each other are limited and whose stories run in chronologically opposite directions. Tonight and tomorrow, Curtain …
Madeleine Lemal-Brown ’18, one of three presidents of the Bowdoin Slam Poets Society, was inspired to start writing poetry because of Lin-Manuel Miranda.
“For me, that was really the first time I had heard anyone [perform] in a way that …
When Bowdoin first opened its doors on September 3, 1802, it had two employees: President Joseph McKeen and one professor, John Abbot. Together, they taught eight students. Since then, the College has grown to staff over 945 employees with 1,806 …