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Jane Olsen

Staff Writer — Class of 2024

Number of articles: 25

First Article: October 1, 2021

Latest Article: April 28, 2022


Extended Thanksgiving break receives warm welcome

The Bowdoin community has faced unimaginable challenges this semester, and while everyone processes hardship differently, “Polar Pause,” the extended Thanksgiving break this year, has provided students and faculty with additional time and space for rest and reflection.

Student reactions to …

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Deer examines violence against Native people

On Thursday evening, the Native American Student Association (NASA) and the Office of Gender Violence Prevention and Education (OGVPE) welcomed Native American lawyer and professor Sarah Deer to speak about historical violence against Indigenous people, specifically emphasizing violence prevention for …

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Non-Prophets debut at Reed House’s Fall Fest

This past Saturday, The Non-Prophets established themselves in the Bowdoin student band scene with a debut performance at Reed House’s Fall Fest. The night also included performances by En Jamb and Mistaken for Strangers.

The Non-Prophets’ formation comes on the …

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