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Alyce McFadden

Orient Staff — Class of 2020

Number of articles: 34

First Article: May 5, 2017

Latest Article: September 28, 2018

See previous content


Nichols advises discretion as Ivies approaches

Amid concern about increased Brunswick Police Department (BPD) activity, Ivies Weekend will proceed as normal, although Director of Safety and Security Randy Nichols advises students to exercise caution and discretion during the weekend to avoid encounters with BPD officers.

“A …

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Talk of the Quad

A shiver down the spine

Eight months ago I checked into Cedars Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, changed into a hospital gown and mustard-colored socks and plummeted into the depths of general anesthesia to the sound of Paul Simon’s first solo album.

When I …

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OUTtober starts

This month is the College’s first annual OUTtober, a month of programming by Bowdoin Queer Straight Alliance (BQSA) celebrating various sexuality and gender identities. In the past, BQSA has organized events during the week of National Coming Out Day on …

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Visual Arts

Bollinger animates with paint

For painter and animator Matt Bollinger, art is all about self-expression. Even the pieces that seem outside the realm of possibility are in some way reflective of his experiences.

This is especially true of “Apartment 6F,” the animation Bollinger showed …

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