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BSG discusses hate speech, shuttle services and funding

February 7, 2025

On Wednesday night, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) met in Mills Hall for its second meeting of the spring semester. The meeting opened with a discussion of racist flyers found around Maine before moving on to funding and other initiatives.

BSG President Eisa Rafat ’25 opened the meeting by discussing the antisemitic and racist flyers that were found in various locations around Maine recently. These flyers, Rafat said, were the doing of a New Hampshire-based white supremacist group that has been increasingly active in the last week.

Rafat emphasized that, while addressing this situation is important, a campus-wide statement or large press conference wouldn’t necessarily be the best course of action, raising the possibility of a more targeted response.

“This is something that is maybe not addressed in that way but maybe in a way that directly supports the communities that are affected and doesn’t give more fuel to these kinds of situations with groups that are very centered around spreading fear,” Rafat said.

Rafat said that BSG is working with affected groups on campus to determine a response. Representatives from the Black Student Union (BSU) and Center for Multicultural Life were also present at the meeting to discuss the topic further.

Court Callis ’27, acting president of the BSU, thanked Rafat and BSG as a whole for addressing this issue. Callis also emphasized the sudden nature of this rise in hate.

“We have never experienced something like this in our time,” Callis said. “Currently, we’re also trying to figure out the best way to proceed, but, in the meantime, I do really appreciate you all for listening to us.”

The BSU, Callis added, has spoken to Senior Vice President for Inclusion and Diversity Benje Douglas and Associate Vice President of the Office of Safety and Security Randy Nichols and received assurances that the College will do all it can to ensure everyone on campus feels safe and supported.

Following the discussion, BSG heard reports from several of its committees on various initiatives and funding proposals. Nyla Danzy ’27, chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee, said the committee was working on ways to respond to recent attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion programs.

Angelica Gordon ’27, chair of the Facilities and Sustainability Committee, said the committee was working on multiple initiatives, including allowing more transparency with student dining options and increasing the profile of the transportation options available to students.

Rafat announced that a shuttle service similar to the one run by BSG last fall will be available to provide transportation to the Portland Jetport at the beginning of spring break. Given the success of the shuttle last semester, Rafat said, BSG is hoping to offer it to more students this time.

Finally, BSG voted on two funding proposals. BSG Vice President Elliot Ewell ’27 proposed reallocating nearly $1,700 in unused compensation for the Bowdoin Course Reviews technician to the general BSG fund for additional events, which passed unanimously.

A second proposal, allocating $1,000 total to provide snacks at Hawthorne-Longfellow Library one Sunday night a month until May, was also passed by the assembly.


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