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Dudley Coe demolition to occur soon

January 24, 2025

The College is currently planning the demolition of Dudley Coe, which is expected to occur soon.
For the past few years, Dudley Coe has housed various faculty offices, the Office of Residential Life (ResLife) and WBOR—the college’s radio station—which was located in its basement. ResLife moved out of the space and into 24 College last year, and WBOR moved into the first floor of Coles Tower this month.

The College completed pre-demolition investigations of the building over winter break and is currently in the process of creating a construction schedule. Capital Projects Manager Sharon Ames shared information on the demolition process and relocation of departments in an email to the Orient.

“We’re balancing the needs of different campus departments affected by disruptions to the busy Quad. We don’t have a final schedule to share yet, as the process is ongoing,” Ames wrote.

Most faculty currently in Dudley Coe previously had offices in Sills Hall and are only in the building until its renovations are completed, which is expected to take place in late May or early June of this year.


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