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Director Anthony Parker-Gills departs from THRIVE

January 24, 2025

This week, the Office of Inclusion and Diversity announced that Anthony Parker-Gills, the director of THRIVE, is leaving the College.

In an email to all THRIVE students on Tuesday, Senior Vice President for Inclusion and Diversity Benje Douglas wrote that all services will continue uninterrupted. Douglas encouraged THRIVE students to reach out to any members of the team, as well as himself.

“The current THRIVE team is working very hard in the day-to-day management of the programs while also being very thoughtful about the future,” Douglas wrote in an email to the Orient. “I just can’t say enough positive things about the team.”

While the THRIVE office searches to fill the position, Moises (Mo) Nuñez will serve as interim director starting February 3. Nuñez has previous experience working with the Geoffrey Canada Scholars as the facilitator of their focus groups at the end of their summer programs.

“Mo is going to be terrific, as he has a wealth of experience and a track record of success working in institutions of higher learning and with students specifically,” Douglas wrote. “Mo has also partnered with Bowdoin for several years assisting Institutional Research, Analytics and Consulting in their assessment of the Geoffrey Canada Scholars program, among other projects. He is ready to get going, and I think students, staff and faculty will get a lot out of partnering with him in this work.”

While the specifics of the hiring process are still unclear, Douglas noted the search process will occur this semester and include student participation.

“I would like to see someone who is caring and cares for their students and [their] wellbeing … and someone who is community-oriented so they can enforce and preserve the community that already exists within THRIVE students,” Lyn Vega ’27, a THRIVE student and Geoffrey Canada Scholar, said.


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