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Letter to the Editor: On the election

November 8, 2024

This piece represents the opinion of the author .

Henry Abbott
To the Editors:

The Bowdoin College Democrats would like to thank everyone who voted in this election. While the results were not what we hoped, we appreciate everyone who used their electoral voice in favor of protecting democracy and human rights nationwide.

Looking to the future, we want to emphasize the importance of local politics, where we can truly make a difference.

We would also like to congratulate Chellie Pingree and Jared Golden for winning relection to the United States House of Representatives, solidifying these important seats for Maine.

We also congratulate our local politicians Mattie Daughtry on winning her reelection to the Maine State Senate and Daniel Ankeles on winning his reelection to the Maine State House.

We do not know what the next four years will bring, but we encourage Bowdoin students to defend and promote democratic progress on a local level through volunteering or advocacy groups. We remain committed to supporting a party that truly cares about the people.

Thank you for your continued support.

Natalie Emerson ’27 and Brittany Yue ’27

Members of the Bowdoin Democrats


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