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Highlight Reel for September 13

September 12, 2024


The field hockey team (1–2–0; 0–1–0 NESCAC) took to the field against the University of Southern Maine (1–3–0) on Tuesday at Pickard Field. Clara Noyes ’27 headed the Polar Bears’s lead with a goal less than five minutes into play. Building off of Noyes’s momentum, Maya Malenfant ’25 doubled Bowdoin’s score in the ninth minute. Emily Ferguson ’27, Ella Davies ’28 and Hannah Balmelli ’28 also scored to finalize the game with a score of 8–0. Both Davies and Balmelli had their first collegiate goal in the game, and goalie Eva Filliponi ’28 earned her first collegiate shutout. The Polar Bears look forward to playing the Connecticut College Camels (1–2–0; 0–1–0 NESCAC) tomorrow at 11 a.m. in New London, Conn.


Women’s soccer (1–1–1; 0–1–0 NESCAC) played an out-of-conference game against the University of Maine-Farmington (1–2–0) where the Polar Bears clutched a final score of 7–0. All seven goals that Bowdoin scored took place during the first 25 minutes of the game, starting off with an assist from Mary Rainey ’27 to Cadence Lee ’27 at 36 seconds into play. By the time the 17th minute rolled around, Laila Nickelson ’25, Kyra Hacker ’26 and Kayley Huleatt ’28 had brought the score to 4–0. Rylie McLaren ‘26, Dani Musry ’28 and Sofi Rua ’28 scored to solidify the 7-0 win. Coming up, the Polar Bears will travel to New London, Conn. for their first away game of the season against Connecticut College (2–1–0; 0–1–0 NESCAC).


The men’s soccer team (3–0–0; 1–0–0 NESCAC) rolled over its opponents, Husson University (2–1–1), in an away game on Tuesday evening, reaching a final score of 5–0. While the Polar Bears maintained their winning streak for the season, they stripped Husson of their winning stretch by delivering the Eagles their first loss. Overall, the team held a 14–1 edge in shots on goal and squeezed by with a 6–5 advantage on corner kicks. Within the first two minutes of play, Tyler Huck ’26 scored, followed by another goal by Ronaldo Cabral ’25. In the fourth minute, Keito Ishibashi ’24, with an assist from Huck, brought the score up to 3–0, setting the tone for the rest of the game. In all 80 minutes of playing time, Alex Ainsworth ’26 made one save to keep the Eagles at bay. Next up for the team is a game against Connecticut College (2–1–0; 0–1–0 NESCAC) tomorrow.


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