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Highlight Reel for February 23

February 23, 2024


Last weekend, the Nordic skiing team earned a fifth-place finish at the Williams Carnival in Woodford, Vt. Morgan Richter ’24, Emma Crum ’26 and Jori Grialou ’26 finished last Friday’s race in fourth, eighth and 11th, respectively. On the men’s side, Zachary Ennis ’23 finished seventh, with Carson Williams ’24 and Adam Carlisle ’25 behind him in 16th and 17th. Crum, Grialou and Richter continued to see success on Saturday with a joint fourth-place finish in the relay, while Ennis, Carlisle and Williams finished fifth. The Polar Bears will return to action next weekend at the Middlebury Carnival in Ripton, Vt.


The men’s squash team (6-–10) split its final pair of matches in the Summers Cup division of the Collegiate Squash Association Championships last weekend. After defeating Dickinson College (6–13) 6–3 with 3–0 sweeps from Justin Barr ’24, Jackson Rho ’24 and Aryan Singh ’26, the team fell to Hobart College (11–9) in the semifinals. Despite the loss to Hobart, the team came away with wins from Barr, Rho, Luc Agudelo ’26 and Ben Korengold ’27. The women’s team (8–9) also concluded its season in the Kurtz Cup division with a win against Dickinson (6–12), including individual victories from Delphine King ’24, Skyler Spaulding ’24, Mira Karande ’26, Clare Collins ’27, Janie Lytle ’27 and Eshika Tangri ’27.


The women’s hockey team (8–13–3; 3–10–3 NESCAC) earned the eighth seed in the upcoming NESCAC playoffs this weekend and will play top-seeded Amherst College (20–2–2; 12–2–2 NESCAC) tomorrow. After a one-year absence from the NESCAC tournament, the Polar Bears will return to play as the No. 8 seed for the first time in program history. In January, Bowdoin took on Amherst in a doubleheader weekend and lost both games by a one-goal margin. Despite its earlier losses, the team will look to reach the NESCAC semifinals for the first time since 2018.


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