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BSG discusses earlier election timing

February 2, 2024

On Wednesday, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) convened in its first meeting of the semester to discuss changes to the BSG election timeline, an alteration to the Student Activities Funding Committee’s (SAFC) funding guidelines and improving visibility of various committee positions.

BSG President Paul Wang ’24 proposed moving BSG spring elections to just after Spring Break. Wang explained that this timeline would allow nominees who did not win the president and vice president positions to apply for general assembly positions.

“The main takeaway here is that we’re going to split the election into two separate elections. The election for president and vice president will happen on one week, and elections for all the other executive positions will happen in the following week,” Wang said.

One proposed change to the SAFC funding guidelines includes requiring that club kickoff events take place before Fall Break. Funding for the kickoff would need to be requested by existing clubs during the previous spring semester. New clubs must request funding for a kickoff event two months in advance. Additionally, if the cost of such an event exceeds $1,200, funds will be taken from the club’s bonding budget.

The proposed change raises the question as to how clubs will be able to secure funds as leadership changes between semesters. It was ultimately agreed upon that the SAFC would introduce small changes to the current funding guidelines and present them next week for further discussion and a final vote.

BSG also discussed highlighting applications for various student-faculty committee representative positions. BSG hopes bringing attention to these various committees will increase student investment in decision-making processes at the College.

This week, BSG also emailed the College to announce its collaboration with Director of the Bowdoin College Library Peter Bae to create a “Library of Things.” The team is requesting suggestions of contents for the library and student input about potentially extending hours of library operations.


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