BSG candidacy statements
September 29, 2023

Candidate for 2024 Class President
Melissa Su ’24
Hello, Class of 2024! My name is Melissa Su, and I am running for the position of class president. I was the Class of 2024 president last year, and I thoroughly enjoyed planning events, releasing class merch and connecting with all of you through my role! My main goal as class president was always to plan events that are both fun and foster community across the class, and I think I was successful in doing so last year. I am responsible, dependable and will plan an amazing SENIOR WEEK. I can confidently say I know the responsibilities and logistics behind what it takes to be class president, so why change what isn’t broken? VOTE PRESIDENT SU!!!
Candidates for 2027 Class President
Harper Stevenson ’27
Hello, Class of 2027! For those of you who don’t know me, I am Harper Stevenson, and I am so excited to be running to represent you as class president this year. I know that we are a talented, diverse group of people, and I have many ideas for how we can come together, grow strong bonds and make sure our class’s ideas benefit student life at Bowdoin!
I was active in student government throughout high school, serving as president of the student body my senior year. I enjoy communicating with classmates, co-leaders and administration to coordinate fun events and create policy that speaks to the needs of my classmates. My job as your president would be to facilitate class events and communicate your ideas and concerns to the rest of the BSG. Some of the ideas I would love to implement if I were elected include a spring fair that combines student music groups with club activities and first-year specific celebrations and events. I would also ensure there were open meeting times for members of the Class of 2027 to come and express what’s on their minds. Vote for me, so I can work for you!
Camila Eljuri ’27
Our day-to-day life is not the same as a month ago. While change is relative to everyone in our Class of 2027, we embrace it. When asked how I found out about Bowdoin all the way from Ecuador, I credit Google for introducing me to the best of the “colleges with a tight-knit community.” But thinking a tight-knit community can just be found would be an oversimplification. I believe community is something you constantly work to foster instead of something that just shows up and remains static. My platform’s core is supporting our transition from wherever we came from and acknowledging our differences through active community-building—letting “you belong at Bowdoin” go beyond the cute stickers. This includes:
- Partnership with the Baldwin Center and THRIVE for additional academic peer mentoring resources.
- Promoting transparency in budget allocation—every student should have an understanding of how they are supported.
- Providing you with enough resources to expand on existing student organizations and supporting first years chartering new ones.
- Expanding the reach of Free Flow and the charging stations and pushing for the Polar Pause (extending Thanksgiving break).
- Hosting office hours to hear suggestions/concerns and put them into immediate action.
Thank you for your consideration!
Candidate for 2027 Vice President
Vincent Chen ’27
Hello, Class of 2027! My name is Vincent Chen, and I hope to become your vice president! To me, being vice president is an opportunity to demonstrate my unwavering support for promoting extracurricular life on campus. I had the privilege to organize cultural events as the secretary of my high school’s World Languages Society, foster a community interest in fishing as a club leader, grow with my peers as a captain of the track team and so much more. Now, at Bowdoin, I want to be there for our clubs and all of you, making sure that support is provided where it is asked for. Your vote will give me the chance to show you how much I can dedicate to your college experience! I hope to get to know more of you as the year goes on!
Candidate for 2027 Class Treasurer
Blake Covert ’27
Hey y’all! If we haven’t met yet (or even if we have), my name is Blake Covert, and I’m running to be the Class of 2027 treasurer. You know that one saying, “money talks”? Well, I’m running for the position of class treasurer so that I can ensure that our finances speak volumes for our class. I get it: Every dollar counts. And I’ll make sure that each one is put to good use.
As your class treasurer, I will guarantee that our funding will be appropriately distributed among student organizations on campus and between all of our organizational niches. Your voice and interests matter; that’s why I want to represent our class’s diverse passions through the use of the Bowdoin Student Government’s financial resources. Most importantly, though, I’m committed to making every penny count for you and ensuring that our first-year experience is a memorable one.
Candidate for 2027 Programming Director
Eva Sola-Sole ’27
Hello! My name is Eva Sola-Sole (she/her). I am from Bethesda, Maryland and now am a proud Coleman resident. I am overjoyed at the opportunity of being your programming director for our first year as UBears. There is so much value in a supportive, strong community. Committing three years of high school to student government, I saw first-hand how integral event planning is to developing a well-connected class. I am receptive to new ideas, hard-working, organized and eager to grow within the BSG. If elected, I hope to make Bowdoin even brighter.
These statements were provided by BSG President Paul Wang ’24 to the Orient for publication. All statements are the intellectual property of the person indicated above.
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