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BSG talks concerts, construction and mental health on campus

March 3, 2023

Would the Pub be permitted to deliver to students? Short answer: no. But this idea, and more, sparked conversation at this week’s Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) meeting. Other topics discussed included current and upcoming construction projects, student entertainment and mental health on campus.

Senior Vice President for Finance and Administration and Treasurer Matt Orlando attended the meeting and provided an overview of the College’s Campus Evolution Plan, which is nearing completion after being introduced in 2018. The College has spent about 130 million dollars of the plan’s allotted 165 million dollar budget. According to Orlando, 45 percent of the budget for the Campus Evolution Plan was supported by the College’s endowment.

Orlando discussed the impending Sills Hall renovation, slated to begin next January. The building will be offline for 18 months of construction and renovation. He noted that renovations of Hubbard Hall, Gibson Hall, Hawthorne-Longfellow Library and Massachusetts Hall are projects that will take precedence in the coming years. Orlando also acknowledged that Smith Union needs a new mechanical system, but he expressed uncertainty about where that project would fall in terms of priority.

Following Orlando’s presentation, BSG discussed this past weekend’s Winter Concert and considered the addition of more student bands to future live music events. Given that the Winter Concert turnout was lower than expected, members of BSG hope that student performances will increase student “buy-in” and increase attendance.

BSG also discussed ways to offer expanded mental health resources to students. As data from the Integrated Health Survey becomes available, BSG plans to collaborate with Student Affairs to utilize them productively. Currently, BSG’s proposed mental health initiatives include tabling and opening up more study spaces on campus.

The meeting also included discussion of the BSG-sponsored Spring Gala, which will take place tonight in Smith Union from 10 p.m. to 1 a.m. The event will be garden-party-themed.


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