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BSG discusses Integrated Health Survey, office hours initiative

February 24, 2023

Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) convened on Wednesday to discuss the Integrated Health Survey (IHS), the success of Tuesday night’s BSG office hours and the winter concert happening Saturday in Morrell Gymnasium.

BSG was joined by Director of Gender Violence Prevention and Health Education Rachel Reinke to brainstorm how to incentivize students to take the IHS so that certain areas of health education can be strategically bolstered by the College.

Reinke explained how this is not a new survey but is a mix of the Bowdoin Experiences and Attitudes about Relationships and Sex survey—which used to be distributed every four years—and the Health and Wellness survey. The last time the Health and Wellness survey was distributed was in 2018.

It has been five years since the Division of Student Affairs and the Office of Institutional Research, Analytics and Consulting last received student feedback surrounding topics related to relationships and mental wellness. Reinke believes the IHS will allow Peer Health to see what resources students are and aren’t accessing.

Because the IHS is accessible and allows students to remain anonymous, Reinke’s office hopes for responses from at least 75 percent of students. The Office is also incentivizing survey participation with the possibility of prizes for those who complete it. The deadline to complete the survey is Friday, March 10.

BSG then discussed the success of Tuesday’s BSG office hours in Smith Union, during which students enjoyed free beverages, snacks and merchandise. BSG believes these office hours will serve as a way to better connect with the student population. Students who stopped by the event shared suggestions including a fundraiser in which students could “pie” President Clayton Rose, a school-wide open mic night and an increase in Polar Points.

BSG President Susu Gharib ’23 reminded attendees that Bowdoin OneCards will be required for entry to the winter concert.


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