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BSG talks alumni donations and new laundry

February 17, 2023

Editor’s Note February 17, 2023, at 9:45 a.m.: An earlier version of this article included three errors. First, the budget for the food truck was $1,300, not $13,000. Second, there was not a discussion of creating a BSG alumni director position. Instead, there was a discussion of creating a BSG alumni directory. Finally, BSG only discussed changes to the laundry system on campus—but did not vote on it.

On Wednesday, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) invited Stephanie Frost and Dan Olds from the Office of Alumni Relations to its weekly meeting to discuss the future of alumni connections and impending changes to the College’s infrastructure.

Frost, Senior Vice-President for Development and Alumni Relations, and Olds, Vice-President for Alumni Relations, underscored the significance of alumni donations to the functioning of the College. The donations are crucial in supporting internships, academic programming and faculty salaries.

The College boasts an impressive alumni donation rate, with 40 percent of alumni giving back to the College via gifts and donations.

“We have people that have given consistently for the last 35, 40 years, whether that’s $25, $50 or $100,” Frost said. “We always emphasize participation at the level that you feel most comfortable.”

To expand alumni participation beyond financial contribution, the Alumni Relations Office is assembling a task force to foster engagement between new and senior alumni. The office hopes that cultivating these relationships will assist new alumni professionally.

As for fostering relationships between alumni and BSG, members of the board discussed the creation of a BSG alumni directory. This directory would connect current BSG members to alumni to the end of organizing events and networking.

Moving away from the discussion on alumni relations, BSG discussed the forthcoming change to the College’s washing machine contract. BSG hopes to take advantage of this transition to implement a sustainable alternative to detergent pods by offering detergent sheets that use 95 percent less carbon and 97 percent less water than leading pod detergents. BSG discussed the possibility of bringing this initiative to campus and how to make it happen.

The student government also passed a $1,300 funding proposal for the winter carnival food truck. A proposal for the implementation of power trip surge protectors in Smith Union was also accepted.

The assembly meeting ended with the assembly agreeing on BSG office hours in Smith Union from 8:30 to 10 p.m. next Wednesday.


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