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BSG continues working toward expanding SAFC policy

November 11, 2022

Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) convened on Wednesday to discuss amendments to the Student Activities Funding Committee (SAFC) guidelines, BSG office hours and a proposed series of mental health forums.

Chair of the Treasury Kiley Briand ’25 presented various SAFC legislation changes to the group: a specific clause on funding club-bonding activities, guidelines on sponsoring DJs and increased food budgets for larger clubs.

Kevin Fleshman ’23, Aminat Ibn Yusif ’23 and Jermoyah Parkinson ’23 used the meeting’s public comment period to advocate for affinity groups in the revised SAFC policy. Ibn Yusif spoke specifically about amending the policy to allow affinity groups to provide stoles to graduating students.

“For Africa Alliance and Black Student Union, we all talked about getting stoles for the senior class, but I think there’s a giveaway rule where we can’t get things to give away to students,” Ibn Yusif said. “I feel like when it comes to something like that for a specific cultural [event], I think it’s a giveaway of [importance].”

All three seniors discussed the central role affinity groups play on campus in supporting the growing population of students of color at Bowdoin. Due to increased membership, they argued that affinity groups need more funding to meet the needs of their members.

“There has to be a distinction made in these clauses for regular clubs…what [affinity groups] do for the campus for community building is different,” Parkinson said.

BSG, in order to incorporate public feedback on affinity groups into the SAFC amendments,  moved to vote on all proposed amendments at its next meeting on November 16.

Athletics Representative JK Bradley ’25 requested funding for a food truck at the men’s hockey scrimmage and open skate event this Friday, which BSG approved. Bridging the athlete-non-athlete divide has been a priority of BSG this year.

Vice President Francisco Adame-Perez ’24 proposed BSG office hours, which could take the form of tabling or offering coffee for students studying late in Smith, in hopes of further engaging with the student body.

Izzy Kane ’24 previewed proposed mental health forums connecting students, faculty, administration and counseling. She will return with Director of Counseling and Wellness Roland Mendiola to speak more in-depth to BSG next Wednesday, November 16.


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