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BSG focuses on community building

October 28, 2022

Soon, Bowdoin students will not be judged on the merits of their academics, but instead on how well they can construct a snowman.

During their meeting on Wednesday, Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) made plans for the upcoming Winter Carnival, a proposed community-building event to take place sometime this winter. Tentative events include ice skating, a reindeer meet-and-greet and a snowman building competition, among others.

“The winter months are very long and dark, so we wanted to bring back the Winter Carnival to give students something to look forward to early in the semester,” BSG President Susu Gharib ’23 said. “Our hope is that the weekend will bring everyone some joy and fun.”

Gharib, the mastermind behind the event, discussed reaching out to All American Entertainment, a Durham-based talent agency, to find musicians for the Winter Carnival. With a budget of $7,000, the BSG discussed the possibility of hiring pop-duo Teagan and Sara, electro-pop musician Tove Lo or indie band Cherub to perform at the carnival.

Gharib took inspiration from Dartmouth College’s annual Winter Carnival. During her discussion of the event, she stressed the importance of collaboration within the Bowdoin community to make the carnival successful.

“As a group of 25 people, we can’t do all of the activities we plan for the Winter Carnival [by ourselves],” Gharib said. “A big part of this is getting clubs and college houses to help out with our ideas.”

The discussion about the Winter Carnival was a part of a goal-setting workshop run by the Baldwin Center for Learning and Teaching. The workshop was hosted by Tina Chong, the Center’s assistant director.

During the goal setting workshop, the Committee on Diversity and Inclusion planned for their upcoming No Hate November event. Chair of the Committee Ange Ishimwe ’25 said the BSG wants to have former NBA player Jason Collins give a talk during the month. Collins was the first openly gay Black athlete to play in the NBA.

During No Hate November and beyond, the Committee of Students Affairs wants to focus on building an open dialogue with students. Chair of Student Affairs Eman Okyere ’25 said the committee will set up a meet-and-greet table in Smith Union during the upcoming month to hear directly from students. The committee also plans on increasing the use of their Instagram to promote more resources that students can reach out to voice their concerns or comments.

“It’s important to reach out to students and see what problems they may have,” Okyere said. “Our goal is to increase BSG visibility with students as much as possible.”


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