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Facilities faces power outages, maintenance issues

October 21, 2022

On Friday, several buildings on campus lost power when a storm caused a tree branch to fall across two live wires on Federal Street.

Buildings situated around the Main Quad, which include most academic buildings and first-year dorms, were hit hardest. In the majority of affected buildings, the outage lasted roughly an hour.

“The system tripped and had to be reset after clearing the line,” Director of Communications Doug Cook wrote in an email. “Fortunately, there was no other damage.… Folks in facilities told me there is no way to predict or prevent these types of occurrences.”

Loss of power was not the only issue to plague facilities this week. On Sunday night, the C-Store, the Café and Smith Union bathrooms closed early due to overnight maintenance being performed in the building.

“[The purpose of this maintenance was to] replace a component in the sewer infrastructure servicing Smith Union,” Director of Capital Projects John Simoneau wrote in an email to the Orient.

The component being replaced was installed in 1912 and is located where Mills-Gibbons Hall is currently under construction.

“We chose to replace this infrastructure before completing the sidewalks and landscaping in that area of the project site,” Simoneau wrote.


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