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Student’s car stolen, found at Cook’s Corner

April 28, 2022

At 8:00 a.m. on Saturday, a car that was left unlocked with the keys inside was stolen from the William Farley Field House parking lot. Executive Director of Safety and Security Randy Nichols initially announced the theft in an email to the campus community on Saturday.

“Three male suspects (one wearing a gray hoodie) stole a student’s car that was parked at Farley near the tennis courts across from Lubin Squash Courts. We have reason to believe that the suspects cased the Farley/Watson lot and may have entered other vehicles before finding one unlocked with the keys left in it,” Nichols wrote.

Approximately six hours later, at 2:50 p.m., the Brunswick Police Department recovered the stolen vehicle near Cooks County and arrested the three suspects.

Catherine Adams ’22 witnessed the arrest.

“I was driving back from a hike with my friend and I was like ‘wow that’s really crazy—that one car has two police cars behind it! My friend was like, ‘is that your friend’s car?’ And then I was like, ‘it is!,’ Adams said. “I switched lanes to get a better view and there was this guy with a beard in the front looking so pissed…The car got towed because they couldn’t drive it [and] it was on a main road and there was just a bunch of stolen weed and [stuff] in the car like handbags, jackets, and there was some McDonalds food.”

Auston Wayne Ford, 18, was charged on Wednesday with unauthorized use of property and theft and operating after license suspension. The minors with whom he was arrested were released to their parents.

Aura Carlson contributed to this report.


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