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Highlight Reel for April 22

April 22, 2022


Bang! The Bowdon H*rpoon’s intramural basketball team wheezed in agony as sharpshooter Andrew Cohen ’24 of the Bowdoin Orient’s team, Southern Charm, swished successive three-pointers to put the game out of reach for the struggling satirical publication. Southern Charm, an allusion to multiple team members’ Southern roots, is currently a six-seed in Bowdoin College Intramural play. The team, lead by shot-creator Cohen, post-presence Michael Gordon ’25, glue guy Marc Rosenthal ’25 and the most watered-down version of Draymond Green possible, Sam Pausman ’24, aims to be fully healthy come playoff time following recent absences from Cohen (right ankle) and Rosenthal (League Health and Safety Protocols).


Despite insufficient numbers, the women’s tennis team bested the Colby Mules 6-3 in a midweek matchup this past Wednesday. The team, which was unable to field a standard six-player lineup, overcame two automatic forfeits thanks to impressive performances from Hannah Buckhout ’24, Julia Deluca ’25 and Elizabeth Yu ’24—all of whom won both their singles and doubles matches on Wednesday. Following the win, the team has won three of their last five matchups and was able to halt a two-match losing skid. Up next, the Polar Bears will host Wesleyan University in Brunswick this Saturday at 10 a.m.


Following the New England Women’s Dinghy Championship, hosted by Bowdoin this past weekend, Bowdoin sailors Meghan Gonzalez ’23 and Lizzy Kaplan ’23 were awarded with All-New England honors by the New England Intercollegiate Sailing Association. Gonzalez was named to the First Team as a crew selection, whereas Kaplan was awarded with Second Team All-NEISA Skipper honors. Thanks to their impressive performances, in addition to other impactful results from the remainder of the team, the sailing team finished in seventh place at the championship, and will aim to continue its success this weekend in a trio of New England regattas hosted by MIT, Harvard, Brown and Boston University.


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One comment:

  1. A devoted fan says:

    Love to see support for Bowdoin’s favorite Basketball team! Up Southern Charm!

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