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BSG to hold executive elections this weekend

April 22, 2022

Bowdoin Student Government (BSG) is holding its annual executive elections this weekend, including those for president and vice president. A vote on the reformed BSG constitution will be held concurrently.

The race for president will be contested by Luke Bartol ’23 and Susu Gharib ’23. Bartol currently serves as Facilities and Sustainability Chair on the BSG, while Gharib currently serves as the Vice President for the Class of 2023.

Bartol said that he would like to continue his position as Facilities and Sustainability Chair if elected BSG president. One initiative he would embark upon as president would be negotiating free laundry with the College.

While Bartol did not plan on running for any BSG position when he began college, he became involved with the organization after successfully running for Facilities and Sustainability Chair during his junior year. He hopes other students follow his path.

“I [want to] make BSG something that’s more representative of the student body and a better voice for students,” Bartol said.

Gharib would also seek to make BSG more accessible to the student body, and she previewed the desired relationship she would have with the student body if elected.

“I want to utilize our website and our social media [platforms] to get information from students and promote student events and student accomplishments,” she said. “I’m someone who has very strong opinions. [But] I realize that my opinions might not be the opinions of the entire student body. So I want to be held accountable for doing what is right for the whole student body and not just what I personally think I want to do.”

She also wants to build on the work of the current BSG president Ryan Britt ’22.

“[I want to] continue the things that Ryan has set in motion, because he’s done a lot of great things like the Mental Health Board and programming for students whose families can’t come for family weekend.”

Gharib also plans to organize inclusive, campus-wide events designed to transcend the traditionally defined boundaries between athletes and non-athletes, as well as those between upperclass students and their younger peers.

In the election for vice president, Francisco Adame Perez ’24 is running unopposed.

A BSG presidential debate between Bartol and Gharib and a town hall with Adame Perez will be held at Jack Magee’s Pub and Grill in the David Saul Smith Union tonight, Friday, April 22, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Both sessions will be moderated by Lucas Dufalla ’24 and Juliana Vandermark ’24.

Changes to the BSG constitution include updated protocols for responding to campus and national tragedies, revised processes for special elections and significant decreases in the number of signatures needed to establish candidacy for various BSG offices.

The elections and referendum on changes to the BSG constitution will begin today, Friday, April 22, at 8:00 am and end on Sunday night, April 24, at 8:00 pm, shortly after which the results of the election will be released. The new executive council will sit for its first meeting on Wednesday, May 4.

Lucas Dufalla ’24 and Juliana Vandermark ’24 are members of the Orient.


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