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College sees uptick in positive Covid cases in March

April 1, 2022

The College currently has a total of 50 active Covid-19 cases, with 42 from students and eight from employees, according to the Covid-19 dashboard.

“Some told us they were positive. Many were actually part of teams that were traveling together over break,” Associate Dean for Academic Administration and Covid-19 Resource Coordinator Mike Ranen said.

The peak of positive cases came from the end of Spring Break on March 26, when ten students reported testing positive. Additionally, eight students tested positive from Monday’s mandated PCR test according to the Covid-19 dashboard. With 210 student cases since January, one in ten students has been infected by Covid-19 during the spring semester.

Even with the increase in Covid-19 cases on campus, the College seems to be planning to lift other restrictions in the near future.

“If you think about it now, the only times when you have to wear a mask are when you’re in a class or if you’re interacting with staff members in dining or the library or other places or an office,” Ranen said. “We may switch to masks being optional everywhere on campus.”

Kristen Kinzler contributed to this report.


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