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New masking guidelines announced for athletics

October 22, 2021

Following the change in the College’s COVID-19 status level from Yellow to Green, Ashmead White Director of Athletics Tim Ryan announced in an email to all athletes a loosening of masking restrictions for athletes and coaches during indoor athletic events.

While in Yellow, Bowdoin’s and competing athletes and coaches were expected to wear masks indoors, both during practices and competitions. However, with the new guidelines, in the majority of indoor situations, masking—though permitted and encouraged—will not be required.

“Masking is not required when competing indoors; when feasible based upon the nature of the sport, players will mask when on the sideline (coaches will share specific guidance for our teams),” Ryan wrote. “If a visiting team has a masking requirement for indoor competition both teams will wear masks.”

Outside of competitions, athletes do not have to wear masks when practicing indoors while supervised by a coach, but will be expected to remain masked when exercising alone or participating in any informal practices without the presence of a coach.

“Following on the approach to masking in residence halls, we will return to not requiring masking in locker rooms,” Ryan wrote. “Masking is required within our athletic facilities with the exception of outdoor sports transitioning directly to/from practice or competition.”

Similar rules will apply to coaches, as they will be allowed to remove their masks when supervising athletes during practices or actively coaching during competitions.

Close contacts for COVID-19, whether they are coaches or athletes, must wear masks during indoor events for the duration of their participation in the College’s COVID-19 close contact monitoring process. They will only be allowed to unmask once they have been cleared.


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