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Highlight Reel for May 14

May 14, 2021


In a joint statement with the presidents of Colby and Bates, President Clayton Rose announced his strong opposition to two anti-transgender athlete bills currently working their way through the Maine Legislature. If passed, the bills would bar transgender women from playing in elementary, secondary and collegiate sports. “Transgender students, like all students, thrive when they are treated with dignity and respect. Transgender students have been openly part of our school communities for many years in Maine, and schools have managed well in everything from gym class to school sports programs and activities,” wrote the three CBB presidents. “We should not exclude transgender girls from these important experiences, force them to choose between being themselves and participating in sports, or be stigmatized in this way. These bills are searching for a problem that does not exist.”


The Athletes of Color Coalition (AoCC) held its yearly Diversity in Athletics event last Sunday. Before this year, the event was known as “Race in Athletics,” but the AoCC expanded the event this year to reflect the fact that diversity involves more than just race. The event consisted of recorded segments of athletes from marginalized backgrounds speaking about their experiences on their teams and in the athletic department at Bowdoin. Afterward, participants joined a Zoom meeting where they were split into breakout rooms to discuss issues of diversity, equity and inclusion in athletics. The event sought to increase awareness of intersectionality and to foster better allyship in the athletic and broader Bowdoin communities.


The National Hockey League (NHL) both wraps up its abbreviated season and begins the Stanley Cup playoffs this weekend. Despite seeing numerous COVID-19 outbreaks both in the United States and Canada, the NHL was able to complete the season on time and allow fans back into stadiums for the final weeks of the regular season and the entirety of the playoffs in the United States. The top four teams from each division will play two best-of-seven series to determine the winners of each division. Then, the winners from each of the four divisions will play two more best-of-seven series to determine a Stanley Cup champion.


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