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The Bowdoin Chapter of the AAUP recognizes importance of non-violent protest in defending Common Good

November 6, 2020

This piece represents the opinion of the author .

In light of ongoing efforts to subvert democracy, such as attempts to block the counting of votes and false claims of voter fraud, we, the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), reiterate President Rose’s statement concerning the importance of civic engagement and the democratic process. We further recognize the importance of nonviolent protest in defending the Common Good, such as the actions proposed by Sunrise Bowdoin, Bowdoin Reproductive Justice Coalition, Bowdoin Labor Alliance, Bowdoin Democrats, DisAbled Students Association, Bowdoin Latin American Student Association and Bowdoin Women’s Association.

As members of the Bowdoin chapter of the AAUP, we fully support our students in their nonviolent organizing to protest any illegal, unconstitutional or otherwise undemocratic attacks on the electoral process.

The Bowdoin chapter of the American Association of University Professors was founded in 2019. 


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