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Highlight Reel for October 23

October 23, 2020


With the rollout of its Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Action Plan, the Athletic Department has also created a new webpage that has a list of resources for students in minority groups on campus. The resources include a link to the Bias Incident Report form, as well as links to groups and centers on campus such as the Athletes of Color Coalition, the Sexuality, Women and Gender Center and the Rachel Lord Center for Religious and Spiritual Life. Policies on hazing and for transitioning athletes are also available here. Members of the department’s Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee are also listed on the website.



The World Series started this week, as two teams, the Los Angeles Dodgers and the Tampa Bay Rays, face off to win baseball’s ultimate trophy. On one side, the Dodgers have talent, skill and depth as a result of having one of the largest payrolls in Major League Baseball. By contrast, the Rays have one of the smallest payrolls, but they have managed to defeat wealthy teams before, including the New York Yankees earlier in the postseason. While the 2020 baseball season has had its ups, downs and COVID-19 cases, there was some consistency as both these teams finished the regular season in first place in their respective leagues.



The Big 10 football conference begins its shortened, eight-week-long season today with a matchup between the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the University of Illinois. While the teams are getting fired up, it’s worth noting that this season almost didn’t happen. On August 11, the conference announced that it was postponing all games this year and effectively ending these schools’ football seasons before they even began. However, on September 15, the presidents of the member schools voted to hold the aforementioned season with a championship just in time to be included in the College Football Playoffs.


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