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Student aid office to waive summer work expectation

Financial aid grants remain on schedule

May 1, 2020

The Bowdoin Office of Student Aid has announced that it will waive the summer work expectation component of student financial aid packages as a result of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. In an email sent to all students who receive financial aid, Micheal Bartini, director of financial aid, cited an effort to relieve financial pressure in what he called a time with a “unique combination of stresses related to COVID-19.”

Bartini clarified that the work expectation would be replaced with an additional grant, and that this change was only applicable to the 2020-2021 academic year.

The Office of Student Aid also confirmed that the details of the financial aid grants for returning students would be announced on schedule.

Dean of Admissions and Student Aid Whitney Soule wrote in an email to the Orient that financial aid grants will likely be sent out before the College reaches a final decision regarding the fall semester, and that grants will be revised if there is any subsequent change to the cost of attendance.

Soule said that she understands it may be difficult or impossible for students to work this summer. She added that the College is taking into account the wide range of financial impacts that the coronavirus pandemic has had on students.

“We hope that waiving the summer work expectation for this year will relieve some stress for our students,” said Soule.


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